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Consultancy Services

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The core business of CWI is to define wines for the UK and other expanding wine markets.
All services are tailor-made to individual client’s needs.

This may involve:



1. Managing winemaking projects that may include the services of one or more on-site contract winemakers, usually during the vintage period. Producers usually wish to change working practices and wine styles to meet the needs of export markets. This can involve redefining existing ranges or building new brands. CWI remains involved with all project winemaking on this scale throughout the year, working as a team with the client’s technical management.

Example: For 9 years CWI has recruited and supervised an expert vintage winemaking team for a major Loire Valley producer/negociant with strong export sales in the UK and Europe. CWI’s management of each year’s production works in direct support of the company’s sales and marketing function. This year has seen increased collaboration launching a successful new brand of classic AOC wines.

2. Defining and blending product ranges to measured quality scales.  
Example: A major, well-established South American winery was requested by its UK importer to produce a new branded wine for a different market sector to widen its appeal beyond its devoted core clientele. This wine has now been successfully launched in the UK, in several other European countries and even on its home market.

3. Pre-assessment of a production centre’s suitability for quality audit, with recommendations to improve or correct problem areas.  
Fact: CWI does this for any producers who are taken on as clients if they do not already have HACCP/ISO procedures in place and, sometimes, even if they do to ensure that their procedures will meet BRC standards.

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4. Sourcing or pre-selection of product ranges for UK retail distribution.  
Example: CWI pre-selected the wine range and advised/trained the buyer, quality assurance department and logistics department, of a major UK supermarket group for several years. During this time wine sales increased from under 0.5% to nearly 4% of the UK market, and average price per bottle increased by
nearly £2.00.

5. Sourcing and selection for UK on-trade/horeca distribution  
Example: Working with a major UK hotel group to revise and update restaurant, banqueting and bar wine lists, and to build and implement a direct sourcing and shipping programme for a range of house wines.

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6. Research and preparation of a Market Report relating to a client’s production. The accompanying tasting through a client’s range may be a one-off exercise or may be a first step to further joint action.  
Example of a one-off exercise: The UK importer of a well-known Spanish producer commissioned an objective tasting of his supplier’s full range in comparison with their major competitors, together with a market report on how the wines were and should be positioned. Subsequent discussions with the supplier, and action on their part, have led to an uplift in sales by over 60% in under two years.

Example of an assessment leading to longer term action: A one-off report was commissioned by a central European country’s wine marketing board on why they were not succeeding on the UK market and what they would have to do once in the EU in order to compete. A visit and one-off report was completed. Many of the recommended changes to the larger wineries visited involved their working methods. Seasonal winemakers and a series of visits throughout the following two years were commissioned by some of the wineries visited. The wines are now beginning to see increased success on export markets.

7. Brand building and contributing to the implementation of an existing Marketing Plan, by advising and assisting on the appointment of label designers, consumer researchers, importers or distributors, and the many details of the Launch Process. This usually applies where CWI is involved either in the production or selection of the wines.  
Example: CWI are running a winemaking project resulting in the creation from scratch of a new wine range for a state-of-the-art Russian-owned Eastern European winery which has appointed a UK agent. The Marketing Plan was being drawn up when CWI became part of the team mapping out the steps to the launch.

8. Brand creation and all aspects of label design through Amphora Design.  

N.B. We do not automatically advise all our clients to use Amphora. This recommendation comes only where we genuinely believe that it will be helpful. We will work with any appointed label designer to help our clients define the briefs to the designer and write any necessary text including back labels.


9. Marketing-related services, such as translations into English from French and Spanish.

CWI regularly translates the marketing and technical communications of a Champagne house.

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10. Participation in assessments of winery properties being prepared for offer or investment.  
Example: On-site assessment of vineyards and wine premises in Bulgaria for the EBRD (European Bank of Reconstruction and Development), reporting to lead investment bank on the condition, value and viability of all assets.

11. Assisting with the implementation of government initiatives which impact on the international wine industry, originating from agencies and non-governmental organisations.  
Example: A client of the EU Mediterranean Aid project, required advice on the marketing measures required to build wine sales in western Europe.

12. Working with UK and European trade bodies on wine industry initiatives.  
Example: European and UK official trade bodies, working as a committee, commissioned the writing of a complete traceability procedure, following grapes from vine plot to final bottle. This has now gone forward to the OIV and EU.

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13. Providing professional wine advice to the legal profession.  
Wine tasting room and meeting/lunch room
Wine laboratory
Trade Research Library – both books and magazines

CWI has a large and well-lit tasting room, as well as a meeting/lunch room, which can be hired. A small adjoining laboratory is equipped to basic analysis.

Located within an hour of both Heathrow and Gatwick airports, and also within easy reach of Central London, read more – How to find us, this may be an ideal venue for holding impromptu tastings with clients and associates in transit. The use of these facilities can of course be tailor-made, assisted by a Master of Wine, if required.

Example: UK distributor, located in the North of England, used CWI facilities for a convenient rendezvous to show new samples and hold a lunch meeting with clients flying through London.

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