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  Winemaker Recruitment  

Each year CWI employs winemakers to work in the locations where we have winemaking projects. The European harvest can start as early as mid-August, and, depending on the location, grapes can still be being harvested in November. CWI also very occasionally has positions available for the harvest in South America.

Working in a foreign winery can be a challenge. Not only can there be language problems, but also equipment and techniques can be very different to those you are used to. CWI gives its winemakers as much support as possible throughout the vintage, but it is important that winemakers use their winemaking skills and natural diplomacy to make the vintage a success.

CWI is always on the lookout for winemakers who are: ·

  • New World-trained winemakers with experience of winery work.
  • Competent and knowledgeable when working with wine.
  • Good communicators (preferably with language skills - especially French).
  • Capable and resourceful.
  • Adaptable and energetic.
  • Enthusiastic and conscientious about their work.

If you are interested in working on one of CWI's projects or would like to find out more, please send your enquiry or CV and covering letter via e-mail, fax or snail mail to Helen Williams.

Please note: CWI usually tries to finalise all positions for Europe by end of June.

CWI contact details click here to contact CWI
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